Thursday, June 18, 2009

The state of being happy.

I had a niggle today.

Last year I made a conscious decision to exclude all the people from my life that I thought were bad for me/didn't honestly care about me/ were using me in some way. This ginormous list included Dakota, Tatergirl and a whole host of other people who were only around for the good time haul [Tatergirl has called me twice last year- both times to borrow dresses. Huh.]. This also sadly included some family.

I was singing at the top of my lungs today in my car. Doing the squinchy emotive face and all. And I had another epiphany [woo! all the time lately!]

But here it is: Not everything in my life is honestly going the way I expected but I'm surrounded by love. And laughter.

And I'm happy. Despite. Nevertheless.

It took me a long time to get back up there.

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