Wednesday, December 17, 2008


so I woke up and saw it was going to be a beautiful day

I was pleased I was going to get my car back.

The bill came back as $888 dollars [No, I didn't add the extra eight]

It was still a beautiful day and so I decided to ask someone to the beach

It looked like it was about to storm so we laid around on the couch instead

Saffron msned me and told me she had given birth, she's a mum now. Flabbergasted.

He left the house, angry without any warning.

And then the sun just came out again.

There's never any explanation for days like these.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Losing Friends

So I'm not doing a proper sum up til the end of year [and by end of the year I actually mean January when Christmas is over and you've pulled me out of the gutter with my shirt around my head] .. I honestly feel like I've lost a lot of friends this year and ..

this was going to be a post about Losing friends but then I just got a call from my bestest friend in the middle of a concert and now I'm all warm and fuzzy and realise it doesn't really matter that much.

Screw the long and bitter post, I'm staying with the warm and fuzzies.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Emotional Intelligence. Have some.

Every so often I get bouts of writer's block [or my life gets desperately boring] and I have nothing to talk about.. and then this poor blog gets neglected.

Ok, fine my life is unimaginably boring and I don't have much to write about.

Lately I've been getting into screaming matches with workmates and have just been really horrible to everybody but mostly old people. Also I'm roadraging to the point where eventually my brain will haemorrage thus causing me to lose control of the vehicle thus starting a sixteen car pile on thus causing more road rage. Oh, and my customers have started calling me Smiley to be ironic- which I'm not really appreciating.

So anyway I thought I would take an eq test [Teddy once called me emotionally stunted]

There were
questions like:

14. I ask people how they are feeling [Strongly agree- and if you're around me enough I think you'll get sick of it]

9. I maintain good eye contact [Errr.. disagree, for some reason when I'm in conversation with people my eyes tend to drift off. But it doesn't mean I'm not paying attention! Honest! I just feel cross eyed when I stare too long]

21. I often get ideas while daydreaming [Unsure, sometimes I daydream about Harrison Ford in my bedroom.. does that count as an idea exactly??]

I don't get involved in other people's business [Strongly disagree- Yeah I'm a gossip. I know]

I can usually de-escalate anger and conflict [Unsure, I'm starting to think I'm pretty good at creating it though]

100. Bosses who treat people badly unleash powerful emotions [Ok now the quiz is just worried that I'm going to turn into a postal worker]

130. Bosses who trample over feelings will find their words used against them [What do you have against my bosses, quiz?!]

And then when I got to the end of the quiz, I was expecting a nice little analysis on how emotionally healthy I was.. instead..

They wanted me to pay $24.18 for a report!! on myself! I'm not that self centred! Or rich!

I bet the professors/marketers who thought up this little scheme are sitting around going "If they're going to do a 4 page, 136 question questionnaire on themselves then they must be narcissists! And I bet you those narcissists will pay by the nose to know about themselves! especially since they wasted half an hour filling it out! It's genius! MUAHAHAHAHA"

Seriously, it takes a lot of EQ to just laugh at it and not want to set their [collective] houses on fire. See? Whaddya know, I have EQ! How good is that? You delivered me some EQ unintentionally.. suck on that quiz!
