Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Pic me! Pic me!

Mood: Mushroomy

Just so you know when I have nothing interesting to say, I'll overcompensate with pictures of houses that look like toadstools

Monday, February 20, 2006

A little bit soggy

Mood: Weepy

Confession: Everytime I watch Cold Case I get a little weepy, its to the point where almost every episode I have a box of tissues on hand. Therefore I don't really watch too much Cold Case cos its really really bad for the environment [Think of the trees people!]

I was however entirely gratified to see my stepdad getting a little weepy to the program, when it finished I saw his eyes were a bit red so I flicked the remote at him and he hurriedly threw an action movie in [I don't think he's ever been so glad to see an action movie!]. When he thought I wasn't looking he surreptiously wiped his eyes. Am entirely glad to know that I'm not the only one completely suckered in by abused orphans and vicious nuns [and kids that end up dead in cardboard boxes. That too.]

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Beach bum..

Mood: Waah waah state

Its enough to make you not want to go to the beach anymore.
I was duly informed by my mum that this year was not going to be a good year, so please she beseeched look on both sides of the road, don't walk too fast and never go to Dee Why ever ever again [so noted].

Well, what person could be ever so unlucky to be caught in a rip twice? So very carefully I stayed between the flags [turning around every two minutes to check that I was still within them] and waded only to waist deep water. Good girl, check? check.

I didn't end up caught in any wave, instead I was stung by a fricking jellyfish.
Yes a fricking jellyfish. It swam [floated?] by my hand and gave me a nasty welt, of which proceeded to swell and ache for the next two hours. What are the chances at a beach of four hundred odd people, a jellyfish would sting me?? Apparently those are some good odds.

After I have the word unlucky tattooed on my forehead, I'm going to crawl into bed and not come out for half a year.

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Mood: Silly buggers.

Its 9.30 at night and Mish is sitting at her computer surfing the internet. All of a sudden she hears grinding sounds. Axe grinding sounds. Coming from the direction of the balcony. Her intrepid dog Minnie wakes up to the noise and sniffs in that direction. Oh Crap, she thinks, should I run? Is this the part of the movie where the heroine gets chopped up? Said heroine continues to sit there and wonder "well if he's coming for me...", absentmindedly flipping through webpages, until she sees the axe grinding noise is coming through her speakers. She had opened up the Silent Hill film trailer and forgotten about it.

I feel really very silly.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

What you missed.

Mood: Sleepy.

You missed my birthday! Random singing, tequila shots, and Paul Frank shorts. Strangely there wasn't any real gossip or bitching going on [darn, why do I have such nice friends?] Boy, did I get trashed. And I mean trashed. See my hair? It doesn't usually look like that. No really![Gawd, and I have a double chin. What am I doing publishing these photoes???]

Oh and Valentines day, happy Valentines day. A red rose for him and yellow roses for me. A fair exchange I think :P