Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How to annoy a security guard.

So I'm not sure where to park and my aunty throws me a garage pass.

"Mush. go park downstairs. Be careful of security- they're very anal."

So off I toddle and when I get to the front gate, I drop my pass. Oops.

The security guard knocks on my window.

SG: Excuse me ma'am. Where are you going?

M:I'm driving down there. But I don't know where I'm going. I'm supposed to park in visitors. I can't find my pass.

SG: Oh. Where do you belong?

M: That restaurant. I work there. I can't find my pass.

SG: Oh, that's fine. I'll let you in.

M: I can't find my pass. They're going to yell at me!

SG: Should I let you in?

M: Can I get out and look for my pass?

[Rummage. Rummage. Rummage.]

M: Oh. here it is! Hee. So where am I going?

SG: Downstairs to your right, next to the cage.

M: Oh ok. Left next to the cage.

SG: RIGHT. Next to the cage.

M: Right.

So I drive down and I hear

SG: OI! OI! you have to park here!

M: here? like this? [reverses]

SG: Not like that. Can you parallel your car?

M: Oh, is that better?

SG: [Beginning to get frustrated] No, not like that otherwise you can't get out!

M: Sure I can. [Starts to reverse] Like this?

SG: .... I have to go. Excuse me. [leaves]

I get back upstairs and give the pass back to my aunty.

"How'd it go? Did he give you any trouble?"

"No, no trouble at all."

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