Monday, November 01, 2010

:( [I give up thinking up a title]

It's the rain.
Or it's the lack of sleep.
It's the lack of attention.
It's listening to the same stupid song over and over again on Top 40 radio [and I never thought I would see the day come where I don't embrace Top 40 radio wholeheartedly.]

So mopey.


I need a Diet Coke. A hug. A bouquet of posies. Why is my apartment lacking in all of these things? I don't ask for much!

I read somewhere once that dolphins stay away from depressed people. Now that I think about it- that may be the stupidest thing I've ever read. I'm pretty sure dolphins don't really care if you're sad.


My mum knows how to make me laugh. She starts a phone conversation with "How do you defrost a fridge?" and ends a conversation with "bai..BAI!" and it's really enough to give me the giggles.

Giggles make everything better. Mums make everything better.

When this rain clears I'm going to go look for a fizzy drink and some affection.

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