Sunday, November 07, 2010

The four things you can't live without

And so she asked: What are the four things that you can't live without? And my response was off the top of my head:

1. Moisturiser
2. Friends
3. My iPod
4. Diet Coke

Actually I could probably live without these things, but I would probably not want to- if you removed them permanently. Also high on the Mush quantifying standard of living; sour cream, my blackberry, books (I don't know how books fell down to second tier- I blame my increasingly short attention span) and those black art sharpie pens.

Anyway apparently, that's one of the questions that they ask you on one of those internet dating sites (!!) and then of course if your answers gel then they try to match you up. My worry is that if a computer matched me up with someone who also couldn't live without moisturiser then what would follow would possibly be the girliest and lamest relationship of all time. But I guess we'd both have nice skin.

**No, I'm not internet dating you lame-o's. If I fall down that far, I give you free permission to laugh and point as you please.

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