Saturday, August 21, 2010

Political Apathy.

I've been meaning to get this off my chest for a few days because it's been slowly pissing me off on the road to the election.

Firstly I hate apathy. I hate it. I hate when people shrug and go 'eh'. It drives me crazy when people don't have opinions. Beef or pork? Lemon or lime? Blue or red? PICK ONE and have A REASON for it. God. A little self-examination never hurt anyone. It makes me want to shake people- how I dated someone for eight years with little to no opinion on things is a marvel to me at this point.

Secondly, more specifically than that- I hate political apathy. It makes me stabby. I think I might've mentioned this in an earlier post. Really really stabby.

And lately I feel like I am surrounded by political apathists [is that a word? did I just make that up?]

From R6's: I am just going to put in a dud vote- because it doesn't make any difference
to Mexicana's: I threw my vote away on a random party [Family First!] because I don't believe in any of the two leading parties.
to my boss's: I'm not registered. I'm exercising my democratic right not to vote. [when he said that, I gave him the most disgusted look I could muster. your democratic right not to vote. Forever. Okay.]
to Hexagirl's: I voted Labour. But who cares?
And then I think MD mentioned not wanting to get off the couch.

I'm going to breathe in a second, because I'm having miniature head explosions. Ok here we go:

Who you vote for actually counts. If you vote, you take an active participation in your fate and the fate of the people around you. This is should be at least the base reason for you to vote. By not voting [or screwing up the voting system] what you're saying is you don't care enough about your country to take ten minutes out of your goddamn day to sit down and think about what could possibly be best for it.

And that makes me fucking angry.

Don't give me this whole crappy democratic right not to vote spiel [thanks Mark Latham, you are a douche]. You live in a democracy, how do you think it got put together? It got put together by people voting. Not by people not voting. But I'm glad you appreciate all the perks democracy has to offer you even though you don't feel like contributing. Oh and don't fucking complain afterwards when the government isn't exactly what you wanted- do you know why? It's because you thought it was a smart move to insert a blank piece of paper into the ballot box. Yup. Who is going to hear that? Crickets.

And are you a woman? You didn't get the vote a hundred years ago- fucking exercise that right! ARGH!

Lastly, but not leastly before I go to put an icepack on my forehead. Think about this- millions of people die around the world so they can vote, so they can have a say in how their country is run .. and you just fucking pissed all over it. Well done.

Ok I'm finished. Wait for me to get mad over this all over again in another four years.

[Btw, as a personal note- that "you" is a stabby finger pointed at all of you political apathists. It doesn't mean I don't love you for your all other quirks and qualities, but seriously don't mention to me over the next few days that you didn't vote or voted badly- I will totally palm you over the ear. I'm not kidding.]

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