Friday, May 16, 2008

It's too early. Eek

It is six thirty in the morning. I am never on the computer at six thirty. I want to go back to sleep. Zzz.. Unfortunately my girlfriend duties include

- Being nice
-Reminders to take out the garbage [this involves being nice]
- And marking his f#@*%ing essays every month or so.

And so it goes when you date somebody whose English is not his first language [that wasn't gramatically correct, was it? I'm obviously in no position to mark anything. It's six thirty in the morning! Shut up and leave me alone!]

..I'm so jumpy when I'm tired. And now I'm peaky to the max. I heard this 'ksssssssh' sound behind me and I almost gave myself whiplash trying to see what it was. It turns out it was a piece of paper falling to the ground. Thats right. A piece of paper. Stationary is freaking me out. I'd like to go back to sleep please before I hurt myself.

I'm thinking to have a red bull. Is it too early to have Red bull? I'm thinking too much sugar.. but I have no access to coffee [see? Priorities. Red bull first. Coffee second]

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