Sunday, May 02, 2010

There but for the grace of God..

So I was driving home today [singing to 'Girls just wanna have fun' of all things] when I had to slow down because a car had stopped in the opposite direction of my narrow two way street. As I maneouvred past, I noticed that guy was staring ahead with a rather pissed off expression and the girl in the passenger seat had her head in her hand and was crying.

A lover's spat on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

My heart went out to her but I'll be brutally honest with you, the first thing I felt was relief. How long ago was I in that same position and how glad I am to not to be sitting there anymore. There but for the grace of God am I not there any longer.

Nothing is as helpless as a passenger seat cry. The oceans that can come between two people who are within touching distance.

So as I passed, I didn't feel so much like singing after that. I hope he gave her a hug and they worked it out before they went home.

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