Thursday, March 03, 2011

Ninnies and romance

“Men don’t want successful women, men want to be admired,” she said. “It’s important to them that the woman is full of energy at night and not playing with her BlackBerry in bed.”
And that's not even the choicest quote in the whole article. Keeping Romance Alive in the Age of Female Empowerment. It's a feature written by ninnies for ninnies with ninnies in mind, God, I can't even muster the energy to be mad at this thing. Suffice to say, if you're paying for everything and your partner only ever whips out his own credit card to make himself look good in front of the receptionist/waiter/valet.. maybe you should have a couple of question marks over your head about his priorities?! No? Ok, just me then.

And I'm going to be playing with my Blackberry in bed anyway, I'd rather be doing that than soothing the ego of some insecure headcase.


Anonymous said...

I find this entry interesting. Did you read the article in its entirety? Or just pulled out the undesirable comments that fuel your feminist veins?

I believe the referred article is quite genuine and above all, it's objective. We see both sides of the coin. Yes there are men out there set in the traditional ways of "society", but there are also many men out there that quite frankly, don't care.

"... report that their men actually enjoy watching the waiter’s reaction when they say their wife will pick up the tab."

It comes down to the individual, and hey, if you would rather play with your blackberry instead of with him, then who are we to judge ;)

Mush said...

Hi anonymous,

Yes I read the entire article and afterwards I had to wash my brain out with Disney and turps.

You may have found it to be a balanced and genuine [genuine?!] piece but I found the entire tone to be misguided and frankly condescending. This is an article from the New York Times under 'The Female Factor' so logically it's designated for a female audience correct?

Ok, female audience- you can be smart and successful but don't be too smart and successful because you'll scare the living shit out of your would-be partner and then you'll end up like Bridget Jones [pre Mark Darcy] and no-one wants that. Don't celebrate the fact that you're successful! Compromise! Let him keep the traditional roles such as driving the car and having his name on the hotel registry [!] and let the man be a man otherwise how can you keep him, short of paying for everything?! [Start trying to lasoo a man in your twenties, it's apparently easier] And not even that this message is spread by misogynistic idiots, its spread by women- these ninny women!

Equality is not about money! rawrrrr! Don't date a man that can't handle your success! That would make him an insecure fucktard! Men are not babies that need to be coddled! And none of us will implode if we're alone for more than a month.

I spend too much time encouraging my friends and family to go out and there and be smart, and independent and multi-faceted and along comes this %^%&^% garbage rehashing these tired old stereotypes [the neutered man and the whip cracking woman] without any thought to the fact that we're in 2011 and we shouldn't have to hide our goddamn cars anyway to procure a second date.

I'm off to wash my brain out again. Boy, that was fun.
