Monday, February 28, 2011

Penguins who can't spell are problematic

He came up to me in a tuxedo complete with a little bowtie and asked me how I was doing. He looked like a boyband member dressed up for the prom and I was really really drunk.

So when he leaned in and kissed me, my thoughts were not on sabbaticals or exes or even how high school it was [the only thing missing was my maths folder with the doodled love hearts], I was just enjoying the moment for what it was worth. A brief connection with a stranger, in the middle of a crowded club.

I’m so cynical lately [which is so unlike me!] because I leaned back at one point and said ‘So where is your girlfriend? Did you leave her at home?’ and he laughed and said ‘Look in the mirror, there she is’- which is quite sweet, but I didn’t just graduate from the school of newbies.

And that was what I thought would be the end of that. I gave him my number, tried to drink from a swizzle stick, promptly fell over onto my ass, had to be rescued from wandering around the bathroom area, lost my bracelet , discussed the meaning of life with my taxi driver and apparently called everyone in a 50km vicinity at 5am. So all in all a pretty good night.

I wasn’t expecting a message the next morning from the Penguin asking how I was. But there it was.

I give him props for being sweet and I guess ordinarily I would have been swayed. But I had a no dating policy to maintain.

So my message back was very polite and cheerful [considering I felt like death on toast] and I asked him how he was as well. And then he replied:
I fill so tiad.

I had to reread it a couple of times to be sure I was reading what I was reading. And then I kind of had to hold myself for a minute because my internal spelling nazi took herself out the back and shot herself.

This is where I reveal myself to be a complete and utter elitist. I don’t know how come I keep ending up with people that can’t spell properly but for some reason I do [maybe I should start making prospective candidates take a literacy test or something] and I can’t frigging abide it. I can’t stand it. I regardless of a dating or no-dating policy will no longer have anything other than a platonic relationship with someone who can’t spell ‘commencement’ without looking it up in a dictionary [but clearly run-on sentences are fine].

And I don’t care if the guy climbs mountains, is an astronaut, is as sweet as the Penguin appears to be or is actually my soulmate. Close your eyes and spell ‘Woolloomooloo’ and I grant you a pass.

I told Betty about it this morning, and her response was: Stupid Head! Why close yourself off to these opportunities? I think his spelling is cute! When I text type, sometimes I say meepi for sleepy.

Me: Fine, meepi for sleepy is cute. But this was not meepi. I get meepi. This was tiad. He fills tiad. Who does that??

I started talking about the Penguin to my friends over board game night, and I couldn’t hear myself over the shouts of “WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR SABBATICAL?!”
“I said dating! Not making out! Making out is fine!”


Unknown said...

Give him a chance babes! Don't listen to the others, the sabbatical was perfectly demonstrated on last night's rerun of "how i met your mother"

Robin says "I'm going to throw myself into work" to which Ted and Marshal prompty coo back "You're going to get marrrrrried"

Its true, the second you remove your mind (truly) from thinking about meeting someone, you will meet them. In the most random, frustrating or funny situation...

All I can say in summary is...

MISH you're going to get mawwied!
(Hows that for typos! but cute right!)

Unknown said...

BAH i just lost my comment!!

So what i was saying was, forget the sabbatical - it was perfectly demonstrated in last night's rerun of "how i met your mother"

Robin: I'm going to throw myself into work
Ted and Marshal: You're going to get married!!

Low and behold she later meets her next long term boyfriend!

These things always happen when you are least expecting - so i say be open, it is more likely to happen when you count yourself out of the "game".

Now if only I had a real life example... oh wait I do... ME!

All i can say to summerise is:

Mish, you're so going to get mawwied! (how's that for typos! Cute though?)

Mush said...

Lady, I've talked to him on the phone and the Penguin is dumber than a bag of rocks.

I am not getting mawwied to a bag of rocks.

[Also Don left Robin! for a job in Chicago!]
