Friday, March 11, 2011

The resemblance is uncanny!

I think that if he were younger, I'd be more attracted to him and less likely to find his philosophies tired and blustery. I don't know when I ended up so ageist.

We're sitting around and he's going through my iPod [hilariously he doesn't know how to use it] and to his delight he scrolls to: Kate Bush! You have Kate Bush!

Me: Yeah, I like Kate Bush
Him: Have you seen the clip for Wuthering Heights, she's just so...
Me: Sure, the one where's she dancing around the forest? It's really something.
Him: She is really unique, with the dancing and the falsetto. You know you remind me of her?

This is Kate Bush for the uninitiated.
Me: ................................................................................... Oh-kay! [She's white! She's really really white! He's getting myopic in his old age. And possibly colour blind.]
Him: Yeah, it's the whole quirkiness and mystique thing
Me: I think you're just in a roundabout way saying that I can't dance and I can't really sing. Normally.
Him: You are really awful at taking compliments
Me: I don't know how saying that I resemble Kate Bush is a compliment
Him: I also think you look like Lucy Liu
Me: *aghast. My eyes are bigger!


Linksta said...

dude if you were kate bush then i'm bart simpson

Mush said...

I could try dancing like her if that could help the resemblance. Much.
