Sunday, August 02, 2009

What the hell/ employment opportunities.

Well I got my first bite of the interview line today.

And I was a little bit really...? already? well ok.

They sent me a pre-interview package and as I scrolled through it, I started to get a funny feeling. It was not a good funny feeling.

I saw spelling mistakes.

Now spelling mistakes can mean one of two things in an application form. It either one) means that the writer/admin person is ridiculously lazy. or two) that the person writing it is from a non english speaking background.

Question number seven- what do you think for working in a multicultural environment?

Ok non english speaking background, right I am for. what.

And then I got to the bottom of the page and my heart made a little sinking noise when the brain confirmed that the admin guy was chinese.

And the company is chinese. Oh Lord.

Here's the thing: I don't know if you would call me an inverse racist. I like chinese food, some chinese people, I like chinese pop songs [mostly], I however don't like working for chinese people. And I am not fond of being considered/hired based on the fact that my last name is chinese. It annoys me.

The last job I was hired for very pointedly considered me based on my last name. how pointed do you ask? Well they actually told me so during the interview. And should this have scared me? yes. And did I venture into a crappy job where I was eventually let go in a deceitful and shitty manner? yes. [One day, I'll talk about it but to this day it makes my head spin like a mad person]

To put my finger on why this annoys me so much- drum roll it up. I am talented! I am good at everything from admin and marketing to graphic design and writing. I can multi task like nobodys business. I have spent five years and tens of thousands of dollars to get a number of degrees to impress future employers... and all of this is moot when someone sees my ethnic name and thinks that that is the reason that I'm good enough?

That's just .... fucking irritating. Blah.

And so now I'm sitting here debating whether I should even bother to write out this pre-interview stuff and apply for it. It pays ok, total sigh. What am I doing?

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