Saturday, August 01, 2009

Insights at the bar

Me: [in a state of semi outrage] I can't believe he is ignoring me again! How can I have walked into just being ignored again?!

Campbell: You're supposed to ignore him. That's the way of these kinds of relationships. You're not supposed to talk to each other anymore. There are just so many people that you shouldn't be talking to and you talk to them anyway.

Me: Come again?

Campbell: You form attachments to people way too easily.

Me: ...

Campbell: You do. And you expect too much. He's probably just busy.

Me: Sure. Busy.

Campbell: This is how it is with sex these days.

Me: !! We're not having sex! This is not about sex! This is about being ignored!

Campbell: Your problem is you're really really bad at being single.

Me: I haven't been single for eight years. I am not used to being ignored.

Campbell: If you're single, I'd advise you to get used to it.

Me: Great. Something to look forward to.

So Coffee is still ignoring me and six months ago,I would have wailed and paced around the room until there was no carpet left, called everyone I know and pretty much . But six months later, I'm too buggered [thanks casino, lack of parking, jogging routines and dickhead agents] to do anything but lay here and say mean things to him in my head.

Sometimes I think Campbell lives in her own airy fairy world and I get exasperated with her trying to send her back down to earth. And then sometimes shes so observant and emotionally in tune that I just have to sit down for a minute and really really absorb what she's saying.

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