Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mush. is. slow.

Mush says:
are you getting.. married..?

Betty says:
yeah next friday - are you free?? oh no you have work!! damnit

Mush says:
you're off next friday oO

Betty says:
Heheh no i'm off on monday though

Mush says:
Whats happening next friday?

Betty says: I was joking

Mush: Oh frick. Whoosh.

Alv also did that to me today and I had a long roundabout conversation on toyboys where I had no idea what was going on. And ended up with "I'm just joking" and me headslapping myself. I. am. so. slow. today. I think I'm going senile in my old age.


So I was carrying a tray of drinks and I felt the need to sneeze.

First sneeze. Ah-h-h-h... And the bottles starts to wobble.

Second sneeze. Choo. And the bottles tip from my tray and go all over the floor. Glass smashes everywhere.

Someone yells TAXI! and the big beverage managers come running up and asking me if I'm ok.

I wheeze amid the liquid debris "I'm.. fine... I just have allergies...".

They look at me like I'm crazy.

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