Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A little bit about work

So it's my third day at my new job and you know what? I think I like it

I am off my nuts exhausted, but maybe being exhausted is a good thing. Being exhausted means you don't think as much.

Seriously, in the morning my brain wandered off to Coffee guy because I was typing something about audio visual inputs [the irony, it hurts] and then I realised I hadn't thought about him in a while and I was going to give that some thought but then my brain kept saying something to me about beaches. And I lost my train of thought and started thinking about the Isle of Capri. Apparently being tired means I now have the attention span of a seagull.

Try looking for the positive inside of everything!

Most people in the office are pretty nice, well they're not sooper dooper nice but they're nice. Right now, I'd settle for co worker who doesn't want to make me cry. I don't really ask for much.

When I talk about my last job at HiTV communications [I'm going to type that out in full so when people google them, my blog will come up and they'll know that they are bad employers. BAD. Don't buy their products.] I was not entrusted with a single thing- that is everything I did was scrutinised and monitored to a fault. I had to be micromanaged in absolutely everything. I couldn't be trusted to write a f*&^*&^*^ing press release. And I can write press releases in my sleep.

They couldn't trust me to do my job. And I think you shouldn't hire anyone that you don't trust but my hackles were already up from the beginning when I found out that they went through designers like I eat ham sandwiches. So it really was a relationship that was doomed to fail.

One more time for posterity. HiTV communications. Bad employers. Terrible.

I can't stand being micromanaged.


The important part of this is that I'm pretty sure that this place trusts me! I don't need babysitting! I can be given tasks and not have them quadriple-y checked and changed! That in itself is the awesome.

Of course, I'm starting to feel it doesn't take that much to make me happy, but maybe thats a good thing too.

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