Saturday, May 26, 2007

I'm not adulterous. Just violent.

If you listen to the gossip of the casino, well then you must be very bored. Anyway I was so insanely bored that I left early.

But not before one of my bartenders pulled me aside to tell me the gaming supe wanted to ask me out.


Of course theres the niggling fact that I have a boyfriend and he has a girlfriend [thats not a freaking niggle by the way, thats the empire state building squashing you sideways]

oh and that I don't date people from work. I just don't. The Casino pays my bills but that may be the nicest thing I ever say about it. Some people are nice and some people have been working there so long that its addled their brains to the point where we need to herd them onto a type of farm.

Anyway if he asks [says the unsubstantiated gossip] I will catapult across the room and ninja kick him in the nuts. Or maybe I'll just politely refuse [which sounds a little more like me]

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