Sunday, January 20, 2013

Random thoughts for this weekend

 First of all I stayed in almost all this weekend (which is a change) and watched in this order:
  • Safety not Guaranteed
  • Life of Pi
  • Beasts of the Southern Wild
  • Ghostbusters
  • Weekend at Bernies (I could not finish this, it was that awful. I understand people's love is tinged with nostalgia. but I hated everyone in this movie. )
  • Monster Ark (I only lasted 15 minutes with this on Tv. Blerk.)
  • The adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (still so good)
There might be some random references

- Man, I am really broke. Broke, broke. Not quite living on the street but if I don't stop spending money on expensive shampoo, I'm gonna get there.

- I had the Life of Pi ending all wrong (for how many years?!) until I watched the movie and had it spelled out for me. Shame shame.

- I still don't know why Lance Armstrong has chosen to come out now?? Dude, I don't know why you didn't just stick with ambiguity.

- Quokkas  are damn cute. See? Who could resist a face like that?

Always cheered up.

 - Ray, when someone asks you if you're a God, you say yes!

- ND and I play a game called douche menu where we try and turn ordinary food into an item on a fine dining menu.
I won with: biodynamic hen yolk drizzled with tomato salsa with a side of wild boar belly served with potato au gratin ( thus eggs with tomato sauce, bacon and hash brown) I'm pretty damn good at it if I must say so myself.

- Also I cannot watch SATC with ND around, he outfeminists me when watching it and goes on minirants about women perpetuating the beauty myth through magazines and watching shows like SATC. Call me shallow, but I really am just watching it for the fashion. Also Carrie should have married Aidan. Stupid Carrie.

- Speaking of shallow, I really want the Karlie Kloss haircut. I don't think my hair can take curls. Argh.

- I read somewhere that pubic lice are becoming extinct due to more and more people taking everything off down there. I'm not quite sure about this... but if it's true then it's a good thing?

- Oh, this is niiiice.

- In response to a story about a Queensland mother being asked to be more discreet with her breastfeeding at a public pool, Kochie (the TV presenter) said it was ''fair enough'' that an attendant had asked her to move. Hundreds of angry women are now going to rock up at the studios for a nurse-in. Uhm. Milk for everyone! Marketing opportunities for nursing bras. I'm glad I don't watch Sunrise and I'm glad that I don't know anyone nuts enough to participate in the nurse-in.

- What does moonshine taste like anyway? Should I try and get hold of some?

- I hate the phrase 'In your face.' It's just so.. rude.

- Governor Arthur Phillip died of rolling his wheelchair out of a an upper story window. Which is quite an undignified way to die. I guess that's why when you look it up, it never specifies how it happened.

- I went to a travel agent to enquire about tickets to Japan and he gave me a quote of $1400.
Yup. $1400. And then he said that prices were only going to get higher and I should buy them for ND without consultation. I think he thought I was an idiot. A rich idiot. A rich idiot without internet. This is why travel agents are going out of business.

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