Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Luckier than I realise (or how I spent today dodging bullets)

So this morning, I was shuffling around getting ready for work and it's been quite muggy lately so I had the fan on.

I stopped for a second (to stare into space I think) when all of a sudden the fan fell off its perch. split out of its cage and proceeded to continue whirring about 5cm away from my toe.

5cm more and my fourth piggy would have been shark food.

I  sat down (far away), really relieved that I wasn't spending my morning in the hospital.

So I went with my boss to a meeting close to home today and when we finished we both headed home in our respective directions.

When I got back to home comp, I was greeted with this image.

That's my building (I can wave to you from my window on the other side), that's a crane on fire and that crane is about to topple over into construction.

So they closed off the road, evacuated the building and sent everyone home. Lucky, lucky, lucky that no-one was hurt because it doesn't look like it from the photo but that crane is extraordinarily close to some windows (there must have been quite a few people wetting their pants from the view. Or maybe they were already halfway down the stairs at that point)


 I will be extra careful today and not go outside and not tempt fate (also not turn on anything which is likely to kill me)

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