Monday, June 23, 2008

Dancefloor injuries

So I was at the Argyle on Friday night. I started to walk up the stairs and I must've passed an idiot woman wearing the worlds longest skirt [to a bar. Ok...] because as I passed her I stepped on this highly inappropriate skirt and I felt myself sliding backwards and because I was on her skirt, she was also propelled backwards and our heads went KA-DUNK.

Holy Mother of Og. That really hurt.

I just cradled my head and kept walking, not looking back to inspect the damage. I'm thinking she probably thought some random stranger punched her in the head. It would be likely if she kept wearing wedding dresses to a rowdy lounge.


I talked to my [new! brand new!] boss today and he is also down for the count, he apparently did his ankle in on a disco dancing injury. A disco dancing injury. I didn't ask but I'm imagining massive flailing. And possible spinning. It's much funnier in my imagination. Although I'm not really one who should be laughing since sometime in the last two months I've elbowed a midget in the mouth and headbutted a woman in a wedding dress.

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