Sunday, October 28, 2007

Thankful for friends.

Rough patches, rough patches, thesis.

Sooo I needed [yes, needed. Shut up] to go out and flush out three months worth of Britney Spears trivia from my brain. So I do what I do best, I go out and drink really heavily, fling myself around really wildly and then go home and try to sleep it off.

Anyway somewhere during that weekend, I realised [and here's where we get soppy] that I have some really really good friends. I know I've mentioned it before, but it never hurts to mention it again.

Here are the kind of friends I have:

- So I'm out in the club and I'm pretty heavily wasted and I call Lighto and I say.. "Come out!" and he's like "neh.. I'm pretty tired... when are you going home?" and I say "dunno! whee! bye!" [this was around two-ish] and anyway I leave at three thirty and I call him and I'm pretty sure I'm slurring all over the place [I'm a drunk-caller. Eeek] and he said "I'll take you home" and I'm like "you are?" and he said "yeah, I've kind of been waiting up". He was waiting up for me to make sure he could drive me home safely. And it didn't look like it but I almost burst into tears but then I was pretty gone so I think I burst into hysterical pitched giggles instead. [What? my memory is somewhat blurry]

- Mexicana who knew I was feeling somewhat forlorn and alone and took me out to dinner not once but twice and also ran over a roll of bubble wrap with her car with me because I asked her to [she wanted to preserve it for private popping I think] .. You know it's not always the big gestures that make up a friendship, sometimes its the little ones and I can't think of anyone else who would dance with me on a piece of bubble wrap in the middle of a night. You have to go out and find yourself one of those, they're sort of rare.

- And then lastly, there's Lampy whos kind of a new friend of mine. You know lately my self-esteem is bordering near my ankles [those worthless, hopeless feelings] and we arrange to meet and she'll say to me something like "I'm so excited to hang around you" .. or "Lets do this! and this!" or thats she just looking forward to spending time with me, [and really we're not doing anything major like gambling in Vegas, we're just shopping] but she makes me feel 'holy crap, there's someone who's actually excited to see me?!' and I'm sort of thunderstruck by the idea.

So there you are, I have friends that wait for me, friends who are there for me and friends who actually want to see me, and now I'm crying again. The stress has finally broken my brain. Anyway let's just end here with I'm very very grateful.

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