Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sorry for the lack of posts lately

My phone hasnt been working and I cant upload photos. Boo.. Hiss.. for Nokia. I was going to write out an entire article on a guy I know who is dying .. but halfway through feeling sad and miserable in my bed seemed like a more viable option.

On a plus note. Its finally stopped raining [its really the most wonderful feeling to walk around in dry shoes]. On a negative note, My Dad and my stepmum are coming down to visit for a couple of weeks- so y'know its family melodramatics times forty hundred thousand million bazillion. [Annnnd now you know where I get my penchant for drama] On the other hand it might make for some interesting blog entries.

Well I guess if my phone/usb isn't working then you miss out on my modelling of the worlds ugliest shoes. I was seriously tempted to buy them just to see the reaction on peoples faces.
"Is that a purse on your shoe???" "
Yeah, now I don't need to carry a wallet!"
Well it was those or the apple green pumps.

You can't really be too sad wearing bright green shoes. Everyone should have a pair.

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