Sunday, October 04, 2009

My poor neighbours.

I have a tendency to play music really really loud. Fire Engine loud. Now this may work in a townhouse- it doesn't work so well in a flat.

So tonight while I was stuck inside from the rain, it was 80's MTV night.

And this.

I realise that this is supposedly the worst song of all time. But fuck me, it's catchy.

And the clip is comedy gold. Lincoln standing up. The Giant Dice mowing down crowds of people. The consistent breaking of the fourth wall. The cardboard sets. And.. Marconi plays the Mamba! Whats not to love?

So my poor neighbours have had to listen to this on repeat almost the entire night. I figure I'll get a knock on my door soon to shut it and to please return to my regular programming of Britney and Lady GaGa.

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