Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The weekend in the fourth dimension from hell.

[back to being whiny.. are you glad??!]

So on Sunday morning, its pissing down rain and Sb comes out of the bathroom and says "The lightbulb is leaking water" he says it all calmly and then he goes into hysterical the-titanic-is-sinking mode "ITS LEAKING WATER. I HATE THIS PLACE! RAWRRR *drools"

The bathroom is flooded with water coming out of every single electrical plug you can think of, so I calmly and surely called an electrician and cancelled all my plans for that day [which included eating much birthday cake and sitting around not thinking about leaky houses]

However, I still had to go to work and when I went in.. it was chaos. For the ten hours straight that I was there, it packed to the gills. It was a rainy Sunday night.. all you assholes go home! Go watch Sixty minutes, spend time with your kids.. anything?! I did two hours of overtime and the place was still wallopingly busy at two in the morning. I began to make death wishes to everyone that ordered a drink.

So fiiiiinally after the shift from hell, I decided to catch a cab home, we mostly drove in silence except for the one time I ventured into conversation "Don't you think its dangerous to drive in this weather?". Famous fricking last words.

I asked him to turn left and he turned right, when I said don't worry, just stop I'll walk. He shook his head and said "No worries" then proceeded to reverse ACROSS THE INTERSECTION. Well who knew what happened next, because my head made friends with the side window and all I could hear was the grinding of metal and myself shrieking. [It was an involuntary shriek of course, I'm not really a shrieker]

So we all got out and stood in the pouring rain to try and figure this out and the taxi driver and the girl are arguing and they both want my phone number and the pen is not really the kind that you use underwater. So the taxi driver pushes me back into the taxi, and I'm fumbling for the light switch because I can't see and his dodgy ass light doesn't have a dodgy ass protective cover and so I burn my hand. Instant welts. At this point, my rage is apocalyptic.

I politely excuse myself and tell them I'm going to lay down IN MY HOUSE. Thats where I live, if you want to find me I'll be in there. In the foetal position. So I slush home and find that there are no keys in my bag and so I pound on the window king-kong style until Sb wakes up. Wherein he finds me in shock and tears and sends me to have a shower.

And of course the bathroom has no lights, so I shower in the dark. Thus ending the worst weekend ever. Maybe not the worst, but up there with the all time greats.

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