Sunday, September 05, 2010

Climbs back up onto my feminist soapbox

I'm going to dust off my little soapbox and get back on top of it. It really is getting a workout lately [yup. Kids? Also? Get off my lawn.]

So here are three conversations in the space of a day.

[At breakfast]
Matty: So would you drive a lamborghini? Actually no wait, what do you think of girls who drive lamborghinis.
JW: Oh, nah I wouldn't. And also hot. but possibly a prostitute.
Mush : [eyebrows start creeping up]
Matty: Ahahahahaha, Mush is thinking about taking one out for a day. Careful Mush!
JW: Well, really a lamborghini is not something a girl would ... choose.. they normally would pick something smaller.
Mush: With a handbag hook. Right?
JW: If you're going to take one out then you would be an exception. And anyway most girls don't drive manual
Mush: [eye roll] What is going on with the gender stereotyping at this table?
Matty: [grins] She drives manual. What are you doing Mush? Don't let him get away with this- let him have it!

[At lunch}
Mush: So anyway when I get to Europe..
Saint Mary: Wait, who you're going with?
Mush: By myself?
Saint Mary: By yourself...?
Mush: Yes.... what?
Saint Mary: You're going to Europe. By yourself. Isn't that dangerous? One girl by herself?
Mush: One girl? [splutters] I'm perfectly capable, where exactly do you think I'm going?
Saint Mary: It's not that. It'd be better for someone to take you around and anyway you don't even speak the language.
Mush: I speak French. I speak basic French. I can get around *exasperated* Why do I need to tote a guy with me?
Saint Mary: Oh, you speak French?
Mush? Is that going to make it better?

[And the last conversation of the day. Grr. I was grr the entire day]

Mush: I think the adrenaline outweighs the risk.
K: That's interesting. Most girls don't.
Mush: Don't put me in a box.
K: Sorry. I'm just generalising.
Mush: Yeah. Don't do that either.

Don't tell me my limitations based on my gender. If you think I can't do it, say "I don't think you can do it" based on my ability and not because I am the proud owner of a vagina. Don't assume anything about me because I'm female- because chances are I'll prove you wrong and I'll kick your ass while doing it. And if you say I can't do it because I am female, I'm going to go off and do it just to spite you because I am that stubborn.

Yes, I like the colour pink, Hello Kitty and fruity cocktails but that doesn't mean I need rescuing. I can still change my own lightbulbs and tires, I am perfectly capable of travelling alone without being kidnapped and you can try and drink me under the table, but the word is try. I take no responsibility when you pass out unconscious in a gutter somewhere.

Don't try and put me in your gender created little box because all you'll do is just really really annoy me. I'll tell you where you and your casual sexism can go. The cliff is that way.

Oh, and lastly before I get off this soapbox, for the 67,000th time in 67,001 conversations. I do not want to buy a Honda Jazz. I will never buy a Honda Jazz. I do not care if it has a handbag hook. God.

[I know it seems like I'm in a really bad mood, but actually I'm in an awesome mood-but I really needed to get that off my chest from yesterday. Grr.]

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