Thursday, July 24, 2008

Appreciating the drunk dial

Well I don't know about you, but when I'm drunk I'm a flagrant smser. It used to be phone calls "Hi! I'm out at Mink/Space/Random horrible club! Do you loooooooooooooooooooooooove me??" And when they didn't profess their love straight away [Saffron, SB I'm looking at you] I would get upset and the night would end in tears, so I switched to drunk smsing which was less likely to end up with the person on the other end shouting "I CAN'T HEAR YOU! .. LOVE..?"

Anyway, I don't know why but I really appreciate people drunk dialling me. I know most people find them annoying and they usually come at 2am on a saturday morning [when us good, clean people are sleeping.. ahem] but I really really like them. I think for some bizarre twisted reason it shows me that they care and in the middle of a slushy brain that they are thinking of me. Also you usually hear things you would never hear in 'sober' time during a drunk dial- like how much the person misses you or random giggling over the word cucumber or something. Cu.. cum..ber... well they are randomly giggling, you just smirk and think how much fun it is to tease them tomorrow.

And then in the morning you say: hows your head? Do you remember any of last night?
And they always say: No, what happened last night?! what did I say? OMG. What did I say?

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