Monday, April 16, 2007

My liver just conked out

If you looked at me carefully [not there, you pervert] you would probably come to the conclusion that I am a very sedate, crossword-doing, stay at home on a Friday night, only drinks a glass a year type of person [its true, look at my eyes- so innocently blinking at you]

but if you took an MRI and took a look at my liver [just saying, shuttup] you would then conclude that the liver belonged to a fifty year old woman that wears nothing but stilettos and a boob tube while drunkenly offering herself for another vodka. I will.. I will... not have sex with you if you buy me another drink?

So anyway last week I had:.


5 kettles of soju [ thats kettles not shots]
1 shot of chartreuse [gah]
4 Cowboys
6 Quickfucks
a smirnoff black

My liver is making tsk tsk noises and looking to inhabit another body, vampire style.
although really its not as bad as my co-worker who hasn't stopped drinking since he was a wee tot and has recently started vomiting blood. When I start vomiting blood I think I will stop, nah just kidding my liver is making noises again at the thought.

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