Saturday, June 17, 2006

V for Vendetta [or Victory]

So work upsets me [Gawd what a lousy day I had yesterday].

I think I might've mentioned it for the quadrillionth billionth time.

However today was a strike back for me. Mish: 2. Casino: 0

I don't feel so upset [sleepy, hungry, not so upset]

Alanah was being a biatch so I told her off..[what came over me? I don't know] and she.. she.. this is the stunning bit... she apologised! power to the people! Mish rules! yeah! [I'm a little bit giddy, but I didn't lord it over her.. cos I'm nice like that]

The customer was being a fricking pain. And he knew it. Yelling across the casino "Hey waitress!! I'm thirsty?! Waitress!" People could hear him in Nebraska. It was neither cute, nor funny especially since he did it repeatedly even after I gave him a drink. Three drinks in fifteen minutes,I don't even know where he was putting them, everybody was fed up. And then the last straw came. "HEY WAITRESS! MISS! DRINK!" I was cleaning the trolley, gloves and everything [well of course, its dirty, hes been piling it with glasses]. I pushed the trolley towards him
"a drink!"
"sure, please hold on a minute"
I rolled the trolley away for a minute.
rolling back, through gritted teeth: what do you want?
" A DRINK!!"
teeth grinding: what kind of drink?

Fine. fine! I'll make you the worst drink you ever tasted. Tomato juice and worceteshire sauce? too obvious. Lemon lime bitters with too much bitters. Neh. He might like it. Ping!

I made him a coffee. I put it in a used glass. And then I watched him drink it. The next time I came round he wasn't there. Don't cross the angry cocktail server,I'm on the warpath.

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