Wednesday, June 28, 2006

And every breath we drew was hallelujah.

Thanks Jeff Buckley. Sometimes you're happy to be alive and sometimes you're not. But when you are, thats what it feels like.

Maybe its because I'm finally getting some time off, but I feel like my grip is lossening slowly. I'll just be talking to someone [at work, at home, anywhere] and I'll look down and realise that my fist is clenched into a little ball, boy I hope this isn't indicative of anger management issues. [I! DON'T! HAVE! ANY!.. hrrrr]

Meanwhile..things, things, things.

did I mention Saffron* is leaving? I thought it would be a long and drawn out process, with big withdrawals but it hasn't turned out to be. It's been weird and awkward and I don't want to foist myself onto someone who doesn't want to see me [who do you think I am?! I'm my Dad's daughter of course] I may regret this later that I didn't take my time to spend more of her last week with her, but all signs point to no, give her her space. [Ha! look at me. how mature]

Meanwhile at the casino, Alana turned up to work drunk. She wasn't fired. And thats my cue to turn up with half a pint of vodka in my system. See? She's good for something, she sets precedents. Everyone slosh!

I love when Minnie sleeps on my foot. There's a trust thing going on [she probably trusts that I won't get up from the computer.. but beside the point..]

Things I'm looking forward to: The Coldplay concert, the Coldplay concert, The. Coldplay. Concert. If you see me wiggling my hips in Central station its probably because I'm going off to 'Clocks', I loove looove loooove the instrumentals in Clocks. [Man, I feel so cool when I strut to it. I also swing to Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve, I'll play it really loud when I'm walking in a crowd. Y'know to up the ironic alienation factor. Shurrup, yeah I know I'm a dork. I'm geekly proud]

How do angry cows talk?

I know this girl named Sapphire, truly I've only ever met her twice [three times?], she seems like a really nice girl. But I keep getting told that her boyfriend is cheating on her. He calls her ugly and disparages her behind her back. Should I tell her? would I want an almost complete stranger to tell me? [yeah, probably. but thats me] :thunks head on wall: I watched my mum try to tell her in this loopy round about way "There are books, there are old books and new books, old books should always make way for new books, never focus completely on an old book" you should've seen my face and then her face, my eyebrow almost dislocated itself from my head, and she being the nice girl that she was, agreed that people should read all books. Sigh.

I promise to not be so intrusive. No guarantees of course.

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