Sunday, February 03, 2013

An hour before thirty.

For some reason, it looks like I liquefied my face on the right hand side! I didn't touch photoshop I swear. Maybe I'm finally growing in cheekbones- about damn time! (and thus I won't have to go in for cheek implants- woop woop.)

Anyway two hours to go and thirty it is. Thirty! Wth. I have an amazing boyfriend, a job that I really enjoy and some really good friends and of course, I love my family. But I just feel like there are milestones that I haven't hit yet (property? property?! everyone stop talking to me about property!! The great Australian dream has turned into the great Australian pressure) and I really have to make up my mind about kids because frankly I don't think these eggs are that fresh anymore and so forth, so forth, so forth.

I talked to some friends about it and they (Thank God!) were also angsty in the week beforehand, so it's nice to know that I am not the only one emo-ing it up in the room.

Quick, quick! A brief rundown of things I loved so I can leave the overly analytical post for later

 Things I loved in my tens: Cartoons, Dolly magazine, Roald Dahl, Prawn dumplings, The Lion King, The Grease Soundtrack, being in a clique, collecting stickers, slapbands, denim overalls, boys.

Things I loved in my teens: ICQ, Hanson, Empire Records, collared necklaces, headkerchiefs, sushi, silver clothing, my mobile,  Midori Illusions, Asian biographies, anime.

Things I loved in my twenties: Alcohol, bubble wrap, hot dogs with shaved haloumi, random trivia, my ipod, my apartment, food trucks, travelling, Murakami.


Actually looking at that list, nothing much has changed hey! Time to go to bed. Tomorrow is a brand new day so they say.

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