Sunday, June 24, 2012

Mon Dieu. Paris.

This seems to be a conversation that I'm having a lot lately.

After watching the two ladies wail on their kids in the station, I had had enough.

Me (to the Ticket Man): There are two ladies beating on their kids. Can you do something?
TM: I am not a policeman!
Me:.... I know you are not a policeman. But someone has to do something. Can you call someone?
TM: What are they doing?
Me: They're hitting their kids!
TM: This is Paris, everyone here hits their kids. Like this. (makes slapping motion)
Me: .......................
TM: Where are you from?
Me: Australia.
TM: And do people not hit their kids in Australia?
Me: Not as far as I can see.
TM: You need to travel more little girl and see the world. Things are different here.

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