The party girl. She has retired and is not coming back. Well at least she's on a long long hiatus.
I don't know. I'm just sick of the party scene lately, I've ruined so many shoes on sticky floors in the past year, I make myself broke on gin and tonics [and buying people gin and tonics!] and all my favourite haunts are just.. being blah at the moment (Argyle needs a change of Dj. Stat.) So here I am, watching Indiana Jones on tv on a Friday night- would this be considered growing up?
Now that I think about it, I think I blame growing up this movie for my nascent bug phobia. The scene where Willie Scott has to put her hand through the hole of bugs always makes me feel slightly ill. Of course if you asked me to put my hand through a hole of bugs.. well Indiana Jones and Short Round would probably have died under the spikes and it would've been a very short movie.
"You're going to get killed chasing after your damn fortune and glory! "
"Maybe .. but not today."
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