Thursday, March 24, 2011

My street and the book club on the graas

I was going to ruminate on the last days of summer but I won't go there today.

My street is really really weird. For such a 'upper class' street, it really is populated by bunch of weirdos [including myself of course]. If it's not car vandalism [sticky tape much?], it's all hours sex screaming, kidnapped dogs and drunken banjo playing. Or we're all just all out fighting for carspots.

A couple of weeks ago, I noticed that someone had left some books on the grass next to the mailbox. They'd kind of spread them out like a showcase, there was a couple of Patricia Cornwells and a Michael Connelly and some other authors I didn't really recognise. I would possibly have picked up the Michael Connelly .. if I wasn't completely OCD about second hand books and also I was running late so I kind of ran off and didn't really think about it.

When I came home, everything but one Cornwell was gone and then the next morning that had disappeared as well. So maybe my street is full of mystery novel fans??

Anyway, I thought that would have been a one-off incident until I came home today and there was just one lonely book sitting in the grass. Shantaram.

Yes it was just sitting there like that
By my knowledge Shantaram is not a cheap book, I recall standing at a bookstore once and debating whether it would've been worth it to pay the thirty-five for it. Thirty five was just way too dear.

And for some unfathomable reason or another, my neighbour [neighbours?] have decided to start passing off their old books on the grass. I don't get it. So I tacked a sign on the bulletin board asking Why exactly are people leaving books everywhere and could you please explain. I really hope someone answers.

I picked up Shantaram with two fingers and am now in the process of disinfecting it with disinfectant cloths. I may never read it.. [what if someone took it into the bathroom?! erk] I guess I could always put it back if I don't want it?

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