If you ask where I've been-I've been around giving myself a bittermelon jelly eating disorder. The thing with bittermelon jelly [and it tastes almost as despicable as it sounds] is that its this cool frosty green colour and it looks oh so inviting. You lift it to your lips and delicately place it on your tongue and it tastes exactly like normal sweet delightful jelly but give it a few seconds and the bittermelon aftertaste rolls around and in your mouth what was once a sweet sweet dessert morphs into a pissed off vegetable. Breathe, gag and swallow [Keep your mind out of the gutter folks!].
And then because it's sitting in front of you all pretty and green and you remember how enchanting the jelly was before the aftertaste, you reach out and do it all again. Thus giving yourself what can only be described as a bittermelon jelly eating disorder. I didn't realise I was such a sadomasochist.
"It's too fucking late to be happy."
Rabbit, Run. John Updike
That book pissed me off so bad. Why would anyone empathise with Rabbit? Rabbit is not complex or sympathetic and comes across about as 2Dimensional as a torn off piece of the Yellow Pages. He runs away from his pregnant wife, he stuffs around on her while she drowns their kid, he pins the blame on her at the funeral ("I didn't do it" [!]) and then he runs away from his pregnant mistress. In short, Rabbit is a complete asshole and if John Updike wasn't dead, I'd punch him for completely wasting my time.
Today my co-worker was complaining that she wasn't able to photoshop the logo into the box without destroying the proportions. I said very helpfully "Why don't you just keep it the size it is and just add a black box to the back?". She gave me a cranky look "Because that would take fifteen minutes."
I opened my mouth to say "It would only take two seconds!" but then I remembered when I first started using photoshop, I wanted to throw bricks at the inventors of Adobe and I distinctly recall blogging about it ( there it is!) And Photoshop is really really hard for beginners. So I shut my mouth and didn't say anything. I give myself a pat on the back for not being a total hypocrite. Yeah I do.
Jewel tones are in this winter, that means mixing purple and green. There's just no way. We'd all end up looking like Zelda.
And I guess that's where I've been. Reading. driving around. trying to be good, eating obnoxious concoctions and doing my best to stay upbeat [because lately I'm varying between tearful and snippy.. snearful? tearippy? bipolar??]. This weather is making me crazy.
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