1. I just saw Tangled, and I must be getting really old in my old age but I did not get what was going on half the time because of the MTV jumpcuts [also get off my lawn yeah?]
2. I'd still marry Flynn Rider though! I'm exempting the fact that he can't sing. But he has gorgeous hair for the entire movie and wields a mean frying pan. What can I say? I'm easy.
3. In no particular order, I still wouldn't date: The Beast [attitude!], Simba [Daddy issues], Robin Hood [Not much attraction to foxes], John Smith [I don't care how blonde you are, You can't just dig up other peoples countries. God.]
4. I miss sitting in front of the small tv watching Steamboat Willie on vhs. I'm pretty sure no-one under 70 knows what I'm talking about so if you're under 70 don't ask. Just google.
5. But if you ask nicely, I can whistle you the Steamboat Willie theme like Mickey Mouse. And if you pass me one of those boat-moving-steering-wheel things, I could probably jig like him although it wouldn't be as cute. Because I'm not a cartoon mouse.
6. And this was disturbing to the extreme. I was so innocent upon a time before the internet.
7. I always felt sorry for the girl squirrel from Sword in the Stone. Stupid Arthur.
Arthur: I tried to tell you. I'm, I'm a boy. A human boy! Oh! If you could only understand.
Merlin: You know, lad, that love business is a powerful thing.
Arthur: Greater than gravity?
Merlin: Well yes, boy, in its way... yes, I'd say it's the greatest force on earth.
8. I had a copy of Song of the South on vhs which I rewatched to death and I didn't grow up to encourage slavery or trick my fellow animals into thorn bushes. Zip-a-dee-doo-dah folks. Kids are not as literal as you think, so release the DVD already! Actually no, release the Black Cauldron DVD first. Release something!
9. Look out! Look out!
Pink elephants on parade
Here they come!
10. And lastly for some Queen Latifah/Ursula awesomeness! Cool right?

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