And when we cosplay, we cosplay hard!
So during the festivities, we snuck out for a shots crawl [why does that feel so sneaky anyway?]. We're standing there at the bar and when I look up, guess who I see? No really, guess who I see? R6. WTH.
You know I should really be better prepared for these things. So I square my shoulders [as square as they will go!] and go up and tap him on the shoulder.
I really really wasn't prepared, did I just say that?
Mush: Hello!
R6: oh, hello!
Mush: ...
R6: .......
Mush: .............
[You know in the movies when people stare at each other, violins go off in the background and it's conducive to something. In real life when people stare at each other, it's just stupid and awkward.]
Mush: [wrinkles nose]. uhhh.. well I'm going to back and talk to my friends. Bye!
Apparently that bar is where conversational skills go to die.
And then DS shows me later how its done [in another bar, natch].
Mush: [whispers] she's cute. Go. go. go.
DS: Hullo, my name is DS. What's your name?
Barmaid Jenny: My name is Jenny
DS: Oh really, what time do you finish?
Barmaid Jenny: I finish in a couple of hours, almost done!
DS: What are you doing after that?
Barmaid Jenny: I'm going to karaoke!
DS: How about that? So are we, we'll be in Greenbox Plus. Room 32.
Mush: ...Room 33.
DS: Room 33. So come around afterwards and join us!
Barmaid Jenny: Sure!
As we get outside.
Mush: That was terrible! You suck!
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