Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The most unsuitable job

In my personal opinion, the most unsuitable job for myself [other than elephant-training]would be to work in a men's magazine. I'm not talking GQ here, I'm talking about Ralph, FHM or .. Zoo Weekly.

Hypothetically if I ever landed a job at one of these publications, I would probably go mental within a week. Why must you photoshop her boobs to that size? Don't you realise that what you've written is astonishingly sexist and completely degrading to women?? How would you feel if I objectified your mum that way??? And on and on til my head exploded into a fiery ball of feminist flame.

So of course what I should do is apply for a sub-editor position for Zoo Weekly, it makes perfect sense! [Clearly, I'm a masochist, a masochist who wants to end up in the looney bin]

On the application form it asks for three things that I would do to improve the magazine, well for starters on the website I would totally pull down that banner so that I and every other living human being don't have permanent retina scars from those J cups. Ok I didn't write that on the form. But I am sending a message to their web editor telepathically. Take it down. Take it down. For the love of God, Take it down.

[**Yes, I really did apply. No, I don't think I'll get it. You are right, I have completely dropped my nut.]

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