And I thought I was angry about parking around here! Apparently my neighbourhood is in consensus -why wasn't I asked? *miffed* Anyway I have a feeling that someone is going to snap her wipers eventually. They've moved her back wipes as well. How much does it cost to replace a wiper anyway?
Hello, my name is Mush and I have no idea how I got here either. Must be sheer good luck (just kidding, Blogger was the only option beyond Geocities when it first started. I clearly am on the steep side of the technological bell curve.)
I love peanut butter, power ballads, bad jokes and books. I am known to break into dances randomly so don't be alarmed if you bump into me on a street and it looks like I'm having a conniption.
Anyway this is my worded life. I try to come back as often as I can.
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