Thursday, October 15, 2009

Would be Banana Thieves

So Campbell and I were walking up to my apartment when she stopped and asked "What are these?" She pointed at three boxes.

M: Oh, those? Those are fruit boxes. My neighbours get them delivered because they don't want to go out and buy them I guess.

C: I feel like fruit

M: I could do with a pineapple. ..


M: Go on, get me a banana.

C: What? no.

M: Pansy.

C: I am not a pansy!

M: Then get me a banana!

C: Oh, alright....

She pulls her hood over her head so she won't be recognised and shuffles open to the styrofoam box. The styrofoam lid makes a squeaking noise- she panics and races up the stairs.

C: That was way too loud!

M: You really think they could hear a styrofoam lid through that door?? I want! my! pineapple!

C: I'll try again later... wait. What are you going to do with a pineapple??

M: Eat it.

Half an hour, I'm twisting her arm to get me some fruit. She makes her way slowly down the stairs and I'm holding the door open so she can run back through. She comes back and starts to laugh

C: It's gone! The box is gone!

So one of two things has happened. The neighbours actually heard the lid and went to save their fruit or someone else had the same idea and came and nicked it. It's clearly not a safe neighbourhood when people [like us] are out trolling for fruit.

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