He was so cute! And he seemed so bright! He was the voice of Simba! So... whats not to love right?
I vaguely recall doing a school project on him once. It probably wasn't particularly in depth.
Even now- over ten years later I can recall that he is a virgo. Seriously the things in my brain that I retain useless information for.
Anyway I was trawling the net today and I hit upon a discussion on 90's heart throbs [FYI, Jeremy London is about to default on his mortgage. Stars, they're just like the rest of us] and I discovered to my shock and anguish that..
.. JTT is gay.
Now what in the whatty now? It was like finding out the sun does actually revolve around the earth. I'm confuzzled! Things are not right!
Now I'm all for gay acceptance and whatnot but really my thirteen year old self mourns for the possibility that JTT is never actually going to swing by [well he might- right to my better looking half brother] and my twenty six year old self is a little dismayed that I spent all that time and hormonal energy obsessing over someone who bats for the other team!
Well who woulda thunk it really? [Actually I'm sure there are actually lots of smug guys who are sneering "I told you so. He was a cartoon lion- How straight could he have been?"]
1 comment:
he's not gay. check wikipedia and stuff. it was just rumours.
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