The best is yet to come"
-Someone Like You, Van Morrison
I've been thinking [not very hard] about happiness. I've reached a plateau where I'm not sad but I'm not happy either- essentially I've flatlined. It can't be a good thing.
So now I'm going about my happiness in a more methodical way. I'm seeing it like lego blocks.
Pork roll - one block.
Close parking space - one block
Awesome night out with friends -three blocks
Eventually I figure that I 'll look up from my blocks and be like 'Wa-hey! I'm happy!
I was feeling really blah this morning [throat still hurts] and I was hunting around for socks. Mystic Meg had bought me a set of Hello Kitty socks in Hong Kong and I was wary about wearing them. I gave her a message " I have them in my hand. I don't know how to feel about this."
She msged me back "Just relax. Hello Kitty is your thing!"
So I put them on. I guess I'm not getting away from Hello Kitty products anytime soon.

I had to laugh after I put them on. I admit that they are hilarious.
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