I’ve written and rewritten this thing like three or four times because I can’t accurately convey how momentous 2010 was to me.
I stood awestruck in front of Van Gogh’s Room at Arles and De Kooning’s Woman V. I was in the crowd chanting to Salt N Pepa’s Push It and I sang along with everyone to Bon Jovi’s Living on a Prayer. I looked Bono in the eye! I danced with 500 people in unison to Greased Lightning. I learnt to drive manual. I was proposed to on a busy street. I was soul wrenchingly-mind blowingly kissed [“Do you know you give me a certain look after we kiss? It’s like you’ve gone away somewhere and then come back. Where do you go Mush?”]
And I picked myself up from the grave because I told myself I could. Somewhere along the way I found whatever it is that I lost and I bring it with me as I start rebuilding my life in 2011.
It’s been one helluva ride. Merry Christmas everybody. This is my last post for the year –see you on the flip side.
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