And this morning I woke up and thought "Well, that was a waste of time!" Seriously in hindsight, all the moping I do is such a waste of time. I mean it has to be done for things to be processed, but after a week or so.. seriously giant head slaps. Someone give me a giant head slap.
Saint Mary's new cat. I uhhh.. just uhh.. forget it. Nomnomnom it is.
So I did a 600 km round trip to Canberra yesterday to see Mexicana. We will have to one day address the fact that it's ridiculously exhausting. Anyway, she took me to this restaurant and I was 'Teppanyaki? Lady, I have no love for teppanyaki." and she gave me the eyeroll of "Try new things!" Of course, as you all know, my mum owns a teppanyaki restaurant so... um, this whole new thing was wasted on me [and we were sitting in a prime spot to be pelted with fried rice.. euhh.].
The first thing we tried was the sushi, and I almost fainted off my chair when I realised the sushi came to $3.50 a piece. Clearly, it was supposed to be magic sushi, powered by the blood of Prometheus because holy shit. Ask me if it was tasted like the will of the Gods. Yeah, no. It didn't.
Here's the thing about Teppanyaki restaurants. They almost invariably involve a lot of smoke and fire because the cooks have to impress you by demonstrating their flair. So you'd think that this particular Teppanyaki restaurant would have considered that. They did not.
Halfway through our [terrible] meal, the smoke alarm went off. And it went on and on. And the waitresses just did not care. They just let it run. It was much funnier than I'm making it sound. It must've been a regular nightly occurence.
Beep.. beep.. beep.. and then the smoke alarm went nuclear. WHOOOP.. WHOOOP.. WHOOOP. And still, it was like nothing. Chernobyl inside a small restaurant. I'm glad I was in there with Mexicana, after a while we were just screaming with laughter. And I guess the waitresses were wondering what we were finding so funny. I figure it has ceased to be funny for them after the 3rd shift.
And then going back to Wednesday, Sorry I'm not feeling v chronological.
I love this series, it goes for about eight photos. I think they secretly love each other.
Lastly but not leastly, thought for the day: why does everyone hate on Soulja Boy so much?
Going to try Chatroulette tomorrow as a social experiment [yeah, that's what we're calling it] I'll let you know how it goes.
[I am really feeling so much better, thanks everybody who gave me love this week]
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