**Before I start anything I have to give a massive big shout out to the Chatswood Chase Security Guard who let me out of the carpark when I lost my ticket. There are still good people out there!
I don't know how the subject changed to love.
H: Love is.. love doesn't matter anymore after a while. In the end passion goes, and you're left with comfort.
M: Wait. Don't you love your husband?
H: I don't know.
M: ...
H: I know what we have is comfortable. I don't know if I love him.
M: But.
H: I honestly don't.
M: But what about at the beginning? weren't you in love??
H: No, never. I never had the in love feeling with him . I was always comfortable and I always liked him. However it wasn't an all consuming love. You know how falling in love is supposed to be like the ocean? Well these are ripples..
M: And does he feel the same way about you?
H: I think so.
M: ...
H: It was what I wanted after the first two relationships failed. It's just comfortable love. And it's strong and stable. [Gestures towards Little H] And anyway, after you've had a kid, she becomes the most important thing in your life. More important than your partner.
H: Maybe that's what you should look for. Comfortable love.
Is that crazy? She really is happy in her life and in her marriage. And that's one way I guess to go about avoiding disappointment. But I don't think I could do that. Because I want to not only be liked, but I want to be loved. I wanted to be loved in a heart-crushing, head-pounding, can't-do-without-me kind of way. I want him to at one point to say "I cannot live without you." And to feel exactly the same. And if I cannot find this kind of love then I would rather do without.
Which leads me I guess back to, that there possibly isn't this kind of love out there and I've been spun around by movies and novels and I will possibly eventually end up alone dreaming my violet coloured dreams.
These are the chances you take.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Chatroulette: A morning with Alv
Sometimes the most productive way to vent [other than the blogging thing. Der.] is to take a a teeny weeny golf ball, a massive five iron, pretend its someone's head and whack the holy moly out of a bucket of balls. I'm a pacifist everywhere except the driving range. Equal anger and violence on each ball.
Anyway Alv volunteered to go with me, but first we got into a discussion about human interaction on chatroulette.
Alv: What's chatroulette?
Mush: It's like a video chatroom where you get paired up with random strangers. And if you don't like the look of them, you click next. You get a lot of interesting interaction because you're forced to communicate with people on a different level.
Alv: That sounds really really stupid.
Well my game ass is always ready to try anything new [underground rock bands, thriller dance classes, retro nightclubs] so what the heck, why not try this before I dismiss it?
Alv: I want to see you do this, because I think your reaction is going to be hilarious.
Mush: Hmm.
So he dragged his laptop up to my place, and it was the biggest friggggging laptop I had ever seen, a 20'1" screen. Also it was probably the coolest laptop I had ever seen in my life and I don't think any picture could ever do it justice. If I could get married to a piece of technology, that laptop and I would be heading to Vegas.
Oh look, there it is. You can't see me but I'm pulling kissy faces at it. It has a swivel screen too. [Breathes in. hard.]
So anyway I'm all settled to start Chatroulette. Alv has positioned himself on the couch when my phone rings.
Mush: Hullo?
Mum: Hai! We're coming up! We're bringing you the flatscreen tv!
Mush: You're where? You're doing what? Thank you? Whuh?
My mum has spontaneously decided to give me her flatscreen on this morning. Her flatscreen is bigger than the entire wall of my studio. Where am I going to put it? Am I going to go blind looking at it? And how am I going to explain Alv in my apartment? Although do I really have to? It's not the 1950's. So many questions.
Mush: You better .. do something. My mum is coming up.
Alv: Should I just pretend to be your neighbour?
Proceed awkward conversation between Alv and my mum
Mum: Hullo. Who are you? You look familiar. You look like someone I know.
Alv: I'm Alv.
Mum: Do you speak chinese?
Alv: Yes.
Mum: Cantonese or mandarin?
And meanwhile they are both pulling faces at me when the other one is not looking. Alv is perfecting a Bad Badtz Maru. Like so.

And my mum is giving me the almighty eyebrow. Which I do not even have an appropriate cartoon simile for. Finally, she leaves but not without I think making a mental note to interrogate me later on with a can of pepper spray, a lie detector and a taser.
Mush: Oh God. She's going to think we're dating. Shitshitshitfukfukfuk. At some point I'm going to have to explain to her that I'm not dating someone else. Or that I'm kind of dating. Um. Sort of. Not really. I don't even know what I'm doing now. Men! Mothers! Argh!
Meanwhile this big chunky tv is taking up my entire floor and Chatroulette is waiting.
[I'm really sorry but for some reason I couldn't take screenshots. They all failed]
So we position ourselves again in our previous positions. I'm on the [kiss,kiss] laptop and I'm adjusting it to my best angle. I look a little orange. Alv is already starting to crack up.
First person: An Asian girl. Sees I'm also Asian. Hits next.
Second person: Also an Asian girl. Also sees I'm Asian and hits next [Hmm. pattern forming.]
Third person: Ooh, it's just a t-shirt. Wait, no the camera is panning.. AND IT PANS TO HIM WANKING OFF. There's all of a sudden a giant peen on my giant screen! I scream and burst into hysterical giggles like a thirteen year old girl. I seriously die laughing. And I can see Alv has buckled in the corner of my eye. What the heck am I supposed to do? I frantically whonk the button for next!
After a couple more rounds with sad looking teenagers, my internet it has had enough and decided to fail and that was that. How anticlimatic.
Alv: Have you had enough?
Mush: Yes. [No, I'm totally going to buy a webcam and laugh at all the weenies!]
By now it was getting on late in the afternoon and we had to run for breakfast-y lunch, andthere was no time to smack some balls around. But as I sat in the outdoors cafe, drinking my Corona, listening to him talk and just people-watching, I thought well what does it really matter? I had fun, I don't need the driving range today.
Anyway Alv volunteered to go with me, but first we got into a discussion about human interaction on chatroulette.
Alv: What's chatroulette?
Mush: It's like a video chatroom where you get paired up with random strangers. And if you don't like the look of them, you click next. You get a lot of interesting interaction because you're forced to communicate with people on a different level.
Alv: That sounds really really stupid.
Well my game ass is always ready to try anything new [underground rock bands, thriller dance classes, retro nightclubs] so what the heck, why not try this before I dismiss it?
Alv: I want to see you do this, because I think your reaction is going to be hilarious.
Mush: Hmm.
So he dragged his laptop up to my place, and it was the biggest friggggging laptop I had ever seen, a 20'1" screen. Also it was probably the coolest laptop I had ever seen in my life and I don't think any picture could ever do it justice. If I could get married to a piece of technology, that laptop and I would be heading to Vegas.

So anyway I'm all settled to start Chatroulette. Alv has positioned himself on the couch when my phone rings.
Mush: Hullo?
Mum: Hai! We're coming up! We're bringing you the flatscreen tv!
Mush: You're where? You're doing what? Thank you? Whuh?
My mum has spontaneously decided to give me her flatscreen on this morning. Her flatscreen is bigger than the entire wall of my studio. Where am I going to put it? Am I going to go blind looking at it? And how am I going to explain Alv in my apartment? Although do I really have to? It's not the 1950's. So many questions.
Mush: You better .. do something. My mum is coming up.
Alv: Should I just pretend to be your neighbour?
Proceed awkward conversation between Alv and my mum
Mum: Hullo. Who are you? You look familiar. You look like someone I know.
Alv: I'm Alv.
Mum: Do you speak chinese?
Alv: Yes.
Mum: Cantonese or mandarin?
And meanwhile they are both pulling faces at me when the other one is not looking. Alv is perfecting a Bad Badtz Maru. Like so.

And my mum is giving me the almighty eyebrow. Which I do not even have an appropriate cartoon simile for. Finally, she leaves but not without I think making a mental note to interrogate me later on with a can of pepper spray, a lie detector and a taser.
Mush: Oh God. She's going to think we're dating. Shitshitshitfukfukfuk. At some point I'm going to have to explain to her that I'm not dating someone else. Or that I'm kind of dating. Um. Sort of. Not really. I don't even know what I'm doing now. Men! Mothers! Argh!
Meanwhile this big chunky tv is taking up my entire floor and Chatroulette is waiting.
[I'm really sorry but for some reason I couldn't take screenshots. They all failed]
So we position ourselves again in our previous positions. I'm on the [kiss,kiss] laptop and I'm adjusting it to my best angle. I look a little orange. Alv is already starting to crack up.
First person: An Asian girl. Sees I'm also Asian. Hits next.
Second person: Also an Asian girl. Also sees I'm Asian and hits next [Hmm. pattern forming.]
Third person: Ooh, it's just a t-shirt. Wait, no the camera is panning.. AND IT PANS TO HIM WANKING OFF. There's all of a sudden a giant peen on my giant screen! I scream and burst into hysterical giggles like a thirteen year old girl. I seriously die laughing. And I can see Alv has buckled in the corner of my eye. What the heck am I supposed to do? I frantically whonk the button for next!
After a couple more rounds with sad looking teenagers, my internet it has had enough and decided to fail and that was that. How anticlimatic.
Alv: Have you had enough?
Mush: Yes. [No, I'm totally going to buy a webcam and laugh at all the weenies!]
By now it was getting on late in the afternoon and we had to run for breakfast-y lunch, andthere was no time to smack some balls around. But as I sat in the outdoors cafe, drinking my Corona, listening to him talk and just people-watching, I thought well what does it really matter? I had fun, I don't need the driving range today.
These Streets
"And I'm wandering 'round
With a half pack of cigarettes
Searching for the change that I've lost somehow
I'll get used to this eventually
I know, I know"
-These Streets, Paolo Nutini
With a half pack of cigarettes
Searching for the change that I've lost somehow
I'll get used to this eventually
I know, I know"
-These Streets, Paolo Nutini
Sunday, April 25, 2010
My Grandma is pissed off
While I was never my grandmother's favourite child while she was alive. I imagine she is angrily looking at me down from heaven cursing out my debaucherous lifestyle.
I can just imagine how just how much angrier she is now that I've somehow managed to ruin the legs of her antique armoire chair.
Of course, she may be appeased by the fact that I fall off of it everytime I try to sit on it. One minute I'll be on the computer and the next minute I'll be on the ground wondering how I got there.
**[26/4/10] Five minutes ago, I managed to snap the leg completely off. I really shouldn't be allowed to have nice things.
This week up til now in photos
And this morning I woke up and thought "Well, that was a waste of time!" Seriously in hindsight, all the moping I do is such a waste of time. I mean it has to be done for things to be processed, but after a week or so.. seriously giant head slaps. Someone give me a giant head slap.
Saint Mary's new cat. I uhhh.. just uhh.. forget it. Nomnomnom it is.
So I did a 600 km round trip to Canberra yesterday to see Mexicana. We will have to one day address the fact that it's ridiculously exhausting. Anyway, she took me to this restaurant and I was 'Teppanyaki? Lady, I have no love for teppanyaki." and she gave me the eyeroll of "Try new things!" Of course, as you all know, my mum owns a teppanyaki restaurant so... um, this whole new thing was wasted on me [and we were sitting in a prime spot to be pelted with fried rice.. euhh.].
The first thing we tried was the sushi, and I almost fainted off my chair when I realised the sushi came to $3.50 a piece. Clearly, it was supposed to be magic sushi, powered by the blood of Prometheus because holy shit. Ask me if it was tasted like the will of the Gods. Yeah, no. It didn't.
Here's the thing about Teppanyaki restaurants. They almost invariably involve a lot of smoke and fire because the cooks have to impress you by demonstrating their flair. So you'd think that this particular Teppanyaki restaurant would have considered that. They did not.
Halfway through our [terrible] meal, the smoke alarm went off. And it went on and on. And the waitresses just did not care. They just let it run. It was much funnier than I'm making it sound. It must've been a regular nightly occurence.
Beep.. beep.. beep.. and then the smoke alarm went nuclear. WHOOOP.. WHOOOP.. WHOOOP. And still, it was like nothing. Chernobyl inside a small restaurant. I'm glad I was in there with Mexicana, after a while we were just screaming with laughter. And I guess the waitresses were wondering what we were finding so funny. I figure it has ceased to be funny for them after the 3rd shift.
And then going back to Wednesday, Sorry I'm not feeling v chronological.
I love this series, it goes for about eight photos. I think they secretly love each other.
Lastly but not leastly, thought for the day: why does everyone hate on Soulja Boy so much?
Going to try Chatroulette tomorrow as a social experiment [yeah, that's what we're calling it] I'll let you know how it goes.
[I am really feeling so much better, thanks everybody who gave me love this week]
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The anatomy of melancholy
About four hundred years ago, the doctors of the time thought that melancholy was an object that resided in the human body, much like your liver or a kidney. They presumed that it was somewhere inside the human chest. Of course, they never found it. Fast forward, those x amount of years, and we're smart enough to know now that melancholy is mostly [mostly] caused by external factors such as watching too much news channel, listening to too much Jeff Buckley on repeat and letting another errant boy crack your heart like an egg over a hotplate.
But we're not smart enough to stop doing these things.
But we're not smart enough to stop doing these things.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Blogging Drunk
ok I 've never blogged drunk before. And I kinda wanna see how it feels. Maybe it feels more honest. All I know is. that I keep hitting the wrong keys. Also I'm really dizzy. I figure that mostly I' , a drunk dialler and not a drunk typer but that maybe cos my stupid phone is out of battery. So I can't call my faux boyfriend or Josie. or anyone else since it;s 3:40; I must've hit that backspace button lile 50,000 times in 5 minutes. But I' interested in how this comes off tmw. Even though typing is like so much concentration.
Why us noone callinf back?? At least josie likes the fauxbf and he got over th0se hurdles which are hard hurdles I think. My phone is being bastardly. why is noone awake so i can annoy them? fuck. this is stupid. i'm really sorry that lately its less than one coherent post a week. It really can't be helped. And I wanna vomit all of a sudden. Price I have to pay?? I'm getting too old for this shit. Maybe I should move to switzerland. Like Heidi. My head hurts.
I've only been typing for twenty minutes. wanna sleep. throat hurts. Ok. I'm gonnago. No real feelings expressed but I'm going to regret this tmw.Or today.
**Ok I pulled this down and have reposted it. Let's go with the honesty thing.
Why us noone callinf back?? At least josie likes the fauxbf and he got over th0se hurdles which are hard hurdles I think. My phone is being bastardly. why is noone awake so i can annoy them? fuck. this is stupid. i'm really sorry that lately its less than one coherent post a week. It really can't be helped. And I wanna vomit all of a sudden. Price I have to pay?? I'm getting too old for this shit. Maybe I should move to switzerland. Like Heidi. My head hurts.
I've only been typing for twenty minutes. wanna sleep. throat hurts. Ok. I'm gonnago. No real feelings expressed but I'm going to regret this tmw.Or today.
**Ok I pulled this down and have reposted it. Let's go with the honesty thing.
The Girlfriend Bomb.
So R6 and I were walking down the street and I stop to adjust my pants.
R6: Do you need me to hem those for you? I can do it.
Mush: No. What. Why are you always volunteering to adjust my hems?!
R6: Your hems need adjusting.
Mush: .......
R6: It's not embarrassing right? for a guy to be able to sow the hems of his girlfriend's pants?
Mush: [What did he say? What did he just call me? I can't see because rainbows and of all these heart shaped objects just exploded in front of my eyes. Wait. I hope he wasn't referring to him fixing other people's clothing. I need composure. Ahem. Hold up. There's nothing wrong with my pants!]
R6: [looks at me]
Mush: Uh no. Nothing wrong with it. But I think my pants are good.
R6: Do you need me to hem those for you? I can do it.
Mush: No. What. Why are you always volunteering to adjust my hems?!
R6: Your hems need adjusting.
Mush: .......
R6: It's not embarrassing right? for a guy to be able to sow the hems of his girlfriend's pants?
Mush: [What did he say? What did he just call me? I can't see because rainbows and of all these heart shaped objects just exploded in front of my eyes. Wait. I hope he wasn't referring to him fixing other people's clothing. I need composure. Ahem. Hold up. There's nothing wrong with my pants!]
R6: [looks at me]
Mush: Uh no. Nothing wrong with it. But I think my pants are good.
Monday, April 12, 2010
On an afternoon such as this one.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Another tattoo.

Secondly, I have been ridiculously undecided as to what to get and where to put it. And seeing as it's a lifetime commitment, I probably need to think about it a little longer. I don't want to be inking for the sake of inking.
Around my group of friends, my Hello Kitty tattoo is somewhat notorious. It occasionally comes up and they pay me out, but for the most part it's a love me, love my tattoo kind of situation. I guess it's lucky in some ways that there's natural acceptance that I am the kind of person that gets a Hello Kitty tattoo. For my part I've never been ashamed of it and I've never regretted that I've gotten it.
However in the outside world, it's a little bit colder than that. And when people I don't know hear of it, they are often ridiculously patronising.
Here's a typical conversation:
Friend 1#: oh Mush has a tattoo!
Acquaintance: Oh, you do! What is it?
Mush: It's a Hello Kitty [waits for it]
Acquaintance : Oh! Really. Ahhaha. That's so Asian. I didn't know you were so Asian. Why didn't you get Bugs Bunny? That's a cartoon too.
Mush: .....
If I had a dollar for everytime I've had that conversation.. I could probably trade in my Civic.
And then there's the head-explodingly judgmental [this is a real conversation btw]
Rose: I heard from ___ that you have a Hello Kitty tattoo.
Mush: Yeah, I do.
Rose: Why?
Mush: Why? It represents how I was feeling at the time.
Rose: [smirks] Don't you regret it?
Mush: Why would I regret it?
Rose: Because it's stupid.
Mush: I don't think it's stupid. And I don't regret it.
Rose: Oh, well you might not regret it now but you'll regret it later.
Mush: ... No, I won't.
Rose: You will.
Mush: I'm not having this conversation anymore.
Yeah, apparently there are people in the working world who talk like that. Like they're still in high school.
I'm kind of in love with the finger moustache tattoo actually. And the above pic is one of the best I've ever seen. It's so funny and absurd. I'll let you know if I get it.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
In Canberra.
I drove down to Canberra to see Mexicana this weekend. My soulmate! In the flesh! And God, it's so good to let go and just be a goofus. I mean I'm a goofus most of the time but when I'm with her I just graduate to superultra goofus mode.
Example: [we're discussing what to do because we're being super indecisive.]
Mush: We need a magic eight ball
Mexicana:We need to build a die.
Mush: Oh, but we have six decisions
Mexicana: So we build a six sided die
Mush: I don't think you can build a six sided die. How are you going to do that?
Mexicana: I don't know..
Mush: [mentally counting in my head] wait, AREN'T ALL DIE SIX SIDED??
Mexicana: Oh yeah! AHHAHAHAHA
Seriously, I'd never get away with this conversation with anyone else.
At one point she remarked on how I'd changed since the last time I saw her. I think seeing R6 has made me lose my edge.
Mexicana: Oh and then he said that she makes his heart feel like warm soup. Doesn't that make you feel sick? Hello? hello?
Mush: Oh, that's quite sweet.
Mexicana: Lady! That's not sweet! That's sick-making!
Mush: Oh.. yes.. but it's still kinda sweet. Ehm.
[Later on]
Mexicana: [looking at me with love and disgust] oh my God, who are you? You're like a piece of tofu.
Mush: No I'm LIKE SOUP!
Mexicana: I can see you have been entirely liquified.
Friday, April 02, 2010
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