Wednesday, September 01, 2010

An Early Birthday Present

Something like 3 weeks ago, it was R6's birthday and I thought I would be nice and get him something. According to everyone in the world, this was a tremendously bad idea. My argument was "What can be the harm in it? It doesn't mean anything. And you know what? If he suddenly bins me.. I can just keep it".

Well clearly I need to stop being so stubborn about absolutely everything because I went out and picked him up a Razer mouse anyway, ignoring all my friends trying to beat me around the head with sacks filled with rocks.

Of course, as we all know I've been unceremoniously binned. And I forgot about the mouse til today. Exactly five hours ago.

I was sent to work from home and I was getting frustrated because I wasn't moving those damn pixels exactly where I wanted them. Bing.

I eyed the bag. Oh what the hell. He's not coming back so I may as well open it.

... Deep breath.. OH HAI!

I pulled it from its plastic [and for some reason it comes with extra stickers? Where am I expected to stick these stickers?] and plugged it into my tower. And holy moly.. it's reallyreallyreallyreallyreally fast and oh so smooth and all those pixels were going exactly where I was pushing them. And can I just say this:

Hello lover. Where have you been my entire life?

Mexicana at some point messaged me "How is it?" I think in my delirium replied "It's so fast that I can't see where the arrow is."

There is only one problem with the mouse- the base is ultra slick so that it glides easier. My computer table is a horizontally propped easel, so when I'm not looking [and that's fairly often considering I'm easily distracted by chips] the mouse slides straight off the table and hurtles itself towards the floor.

Wtf with being a suicidal mouse. But other than that, I think I'm in love. Happy birthday to me, I really need to buy high tech gadgets for myself more often.

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