Also we can attribute my lack of posts to my taking of Executive B Stress vitamins. Seriously. Vitamins. Not Prozac.

I've been fairly mellow the entire weekend, when I should probably have been more upset.
Anyway. I don't want to talk about the stupid casino. Repress. Repress. Breathe. Better.
Friday Night.

Eastern European vodka. Only for sadomasochists.
See the shirt? This is what I wear to my new job and i went straight from work to the restaurant. Saint Mary asked where I'd been
And I looked at her like she was nuts: work. I was at work.
She took one look at said shirt and said: You wore that shirt and tie to work, don't you think that it's overly sexualised?!
I think if I didn't find it funny, I would be well on my way to being offended.
so I turned to her and said "of course not, I am a stripper"
By the way I don't think it's too tight. So Nyeah.
There was a girl at that party we'll call her Pachinko who was dressed like a harajuku girl. I was quite impressed by her gumption [and I don't mean that sarcastically] because down to the last detail, she had thought about how to look Japanese. From her fascinator to her handwarmers to her dolls hanging off her belt to her hot pink Doc Martens, she could have stepped off the pages of Egg magazine.
Except for this one thing, she was very distinctly Chinese, she leeched Chinese from her pores. I don't know why. It was like undistilled essence or something. It was bizarre.
So we moved in different circles [and I honestly did admire her, she really did look unique in a way I couldn't have pulled off] and when I stepped outside to the smokers circles, she stuck her head outside the window.
She called out to me [and we'd never spoken before]: You look Japanese! You look so Japanese!
I smiled at her, being polite: Yeah, people tell me that a lot.
And she sighed: You look so Japanese. And then she dipped her head.. in resignation?!
Can i just ask what is the correct thing to say in that situation??
Here is the correct thing to say in that situation: I may look Japanese, but you're dressed Japanese, and if you put my head on top of your clothing, I would look like a fuckwit and a half, so really you should appreciate having your head and your body, and not try to be something that you're not.
Of course, I didn't say that- but you can be damn sure I was thinking it.
Saturday Night: Same Restaurant: Yes I went twice in two days. I am obviously insane.
I was coming out of the locker room today when I saw Coffee, I walked straight past him and kept on walking, I knew that if I stopped and talked to him, I would just immolate myself later, I would wait for the phone call that would never come. I would beat myself up for using the wrong tone of voice. For not saying the right thing. For scolding him too much. For letting it go too easy. Do you see where this is going?
So I did the right thing. Sometimes the self preservation kicks in. It just takes a while.
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