I was also thinking of Saffron when the legendary Jacky Cheung came to town. Because her favourite song is 'Kiss Goodbye' and did I mention how much to God I love Jacky Cheung, I seriously want to take him home and chain him to my couch and everytime I want to him sing, I'll.. just pat him on the head. [I seriously think with Damien Rice, Chris Martin and Jacky tied to my living room, it's going to get quiiite full- but I'll manage]

The most hilarious thing was at the beginning of the concert [whoops I typed couch there. ha] when I was holding tickets, people kept tapping me on the shoulder thinking I was a fricking scalper. Do I LOOK like a scalper? Look at this face! *blinks
Anyway Jacky is the most talented singer and I was overwhelmed with emotion everytime he held a note on his a beautiful song. I was especially touched by the dedication songs to his wife and his daughter [Ok, fine forget Chris- I want to marry Jacky so he can dedicate songs to me and I can cry all the time]
By the end of it, I was horrifyingly sad because I knew I would never see anything like this ever again. But then, it was one of the things I wanted to cross off my 'lifetime' list and I'm grateful that I got to see and appreciate someone so talented [he wasn't such a talented dancer, but I'm thinking you can't have a voice like that and dance perfectly too, it wouldn't be fair]
Here are photoes of our Thursday night alcohol run

Look at my hair! It's great! How often do I have great hair?? Anyway these photoes are from Md, I totally stole them from her facebook.
I was at work yesterday and they threw me into Star Lounge, the free food section. I was about to vomit from all the plates that were piled up with regurgitated food, who does that?? Either eat it or don't! Don't gleuuuuuuh all over the fricking plates. Towards the end of my shift, they started to run out of dishes, so one lady decided to put her chow mein on a plastic bag. After that, she put her chow mein in the plastic bag and took it away, and I never never never never want to work there ever again, I cannot think of a more depressing place.
So that was my week, for the moment. I think I will post more later.
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