"Sb is in love with my twin"
"My twin is in love with Sb"
"My life is a freaking soap opera! *breaks down into sobs"
Hahaha.. no it wasn't really that, it was kind of a cool bemusement and a topic I could play with at the dinner table [what? there's only so many times I can tell the joke .. what did Sushi A say to Sushi B? WassssssupBi! [Wasabi... geddit? geddit? Blame Mexicana for that joke] ]
Anyway I mentioned to Lighto last week and he said "Why don't the four of us have dinner?" and I burst out laughing "We'll be the table of death stares, She'll be glaring at me, Sb will be glaring at you, and birds will stay away for a 5km radius because our death aura is too overpowering.. also everyone will throw drinks at each other"
So after a few months of horrible mind-bending curiosity, Sb finally brought some photos for me to see.
Here we are, I don't know what is wrong with my paint program but she came out in black and white, and I'm sorry but this photo of her is limited cos this world is small and I think if Sb finds out I'm posting her pic on my blogs he will make me sleep on the couch for the next sixteen months]

What is that???! How is that alike??! We're not even mildly similar! [Unless you count the all asians-look-the-same theory] I'm sorry but in the privacy of my own home I'm going to go into a severe rage dance complete with flailing arms. Yes, her cheeks are much more prominent than mine and my face is flat- thanks for pointing that out.
Whatever- Tomorrow I'm going to take Sb for an eye checkup. Twins? bah, not even in the same genetic code.
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