I didn't ask him what magazines he was referring to but I am taking the fifteen year old thing on board as a compliment. Please everyone tell me that I look fifteen and I will do my best to accentuate with graphic tees and coloured converses.
Which leads me to..
I interviewed a lady the other day (and I cannot believe I'm calling her a lady, but that's what she is.) She is just a few months older than me and she is just so poised and unlikely to spill coffee down her white top or sit on yoghurt on the bus (you know, I don't think she even takes buses). She doesn't eat muffins, she always wears heels (without slouching) and standing near her I kind of feel like Pig Pen trailing after a very clean Linus. I've had two meetings with her and each time I've felt like there's a tumbleweed of garbage following me.

But you know here's what I figure (other than if I don't see her for a long, long time I'll be really relieved): I am who I am, I wear scuffed shoes. My hair will never be 100% neat, I'm goofy, I make really bad puns, I sing to myself in public and that's fine. Reaching towards the looming 3-0 is about fundamental accepting who I am and if that means I'm not a person who can wear a pristine white blazer then so be it!
Which brings me to..
My mouse broke at work the other day so I had to run to Kmart and buy myself a new one. My choices were the navy blue, silver and hot pink. I picked up the hot pink and made my way back to the office.
When I got back, my boss turned around and said "What did you get?"
I showed her the mouse, she laughed and said "That's so you! It's such a mush mouse!"
And so it is what it is and you are who you are.
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