Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Do I or do I not make the best ghost ever made? I seriously should die and come back as Sadako [haha, oh the ironic circularity.. it kills me.. (oh, I did it again.)]

I spent the entire night scaring people inadvertently. I walk into a room- I scare the beejesus out of a gaggle of schoolgirls. I walk out into the street and someone on a balcony has a heart attack above me. I think I destroyed the mind of some poor guy on uppers in the middle of the party- everytime he walked past me, he would mutter "creepy.. so creepy. Creepy."

At the same party, a stranger tapped me on the shoulder and said in her best complimentary voice. "You are the scariest thing at this party." And I said back in my politest voice. "Why, thank you very much."

There's something about Sadako that gets under the psyche of people. Nothing prepared me for the spectacle of watching her squirm and writhe out of the tv, a 5 metre tall terror, I had one hand over my eyes and one stuffed firmly between my teeth- the only time at a cinema where I ever felt like screaming aloud.
I remember very distinctly placing a scarf over the tv across from my bed after I finished watching it. That scarf remained there for the next five days.

It's 11:02 on a Sunday night, happy Halloween folks! It's almost over for another year.

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